Connect to Us

FreeDMR Cymru is linked to the wider FreeDMR network.

You can connect your OpenSpot or Pi-Star to the FreeDMR Cymru server by selecting the 'FreeDMR_UnitedKingdom-CYMRU' server from the DMR Network drop-down list.

Our server address is

Details on using the FreeDMR Network including the 'Dial-a-TG' feature can be found on the FreeDMR UK website

If you would like to link a repeater to the FreeDMR network, contact us using the form on the Contact Us page or drop us a message on Telegram


FreeDMR Talkgroups

CountryTalk GroupsName
Brasil72461 Brasilia
Brasil72462 Goias
Brasil72463 Tocantins
Brasil72465 Mato Grosso
Brasil72467 Mato Grosso do Sul
Brasil72468 Acre
Brasil72469 Rondonia
Brasil72471 Bahia
Brasil72479 Sergipe
Brasil72481 Pernambuco
Brasil72482 Alagoas
Brasil72483 Paraiba
Brasil72484 Rio Grande do Norte
Brasil72485 Ceara
Brasil72486 Piaui
Brasil72490 Desbravadores
Brasil72491 Para
Brasil72492 Amazonas
Brasil72495 Roraima
Brasil72496 Amapa
Brasil72498 Maranhao
Botswana 652 Botswana
Bosnia and Herzegovina 218 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bolivia 736 Bolivia
Bhutan 402 Bhutan
Bermuda 350 Bermuda
Benin 616 Benin
Belize702 Belize
Belgium206 Belgium-National
Belgium2061 Belgium-North
Belgium2062 Belgium-South
Belgium2063 Belgium-East
Belgium2064 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium2065 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium2066 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium2067 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium2068 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium2069 Belgium-On Demand
Belgium20601 Belgium-Namur
Belgium20602 Belgium-Luxembourg
Belgium20603 Belgium-Hainaut
Belgium20604 Belgium-Brussels
Belgium20605 Belgium-Brabant Wallon
Belgium20606 Belgium-Vlaams Brabant
Belgium20607 Belgium-Limburg
Belgium20608 Belgium-Antwerpen
Belgium20609 Belgium-Oost-Vlaanderen
Belgium20610 Belgium-West-Vlaanderen
Belgium206112 Belgium-Emergency
Belgium20612 Belgium-Waasland

FreeDMR Bridges


FreeDMR Servers Worldwide

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