Connect to Us

FreeDMR Cymru is linked to the wider FreeDMR network.

You can connect your OpenSpot or Pi-Star to the FreeDMR Cymru server by selecting the 'FreeDMR_UnitedKingdom-CYMRU' server from the DMR Network drop-down list.

Our server address is

Details on using the FreeDMR Network including the 'Dial-a-TG' feature can be found on the FreeDMR UK website

If you would like to link a repeater to the FreeDMR network, contact us using the form on the Contact Us page or drop us a message on Telegram


FreeDMR Talkgroups

CountryTalk GroupsName
Chile73031 Santiago-UHF
Chile73041 Pelluhue-VHF
Chile73042 Constitucion-VHF
Chile73043 Chillan-VHF
Chile73044 Chillan-UHF
Chile73045 San Fernando VHF
Chile73046 San Fernando UHF
Chile73051 Concepcion-VHF
Chile73052 Los Angeles-VHF
Chile73053 Los Angeles-UHF
Chile73059 Yumbel
Chile73061 Villarrica-Pucon VHF
Chile73062 Villarrica-Pucon UHF
Chile73088 CE4YLC Yankee Lima Chile
Chile7300 CE0 Zona0 Chile Insular
Chile7301 CE1 Zona1 Arica - Atacama
Chile7302 CE2 Zona2 Coquimbo -Valparaiso
Chile7303 CE3 Zona3 Metropolitana
Chile7304 CE4 Zona4 O'Higgins - Ñuble
Chile7305 CE5 Zona5 BioBio
Chile7306 CE6 Zona6 Araucania y Los Rios
Chile7307 CE7 Zona7 Los Lagos - Aysen
Chile7308 CE8 Zona8 Magallanes
Chile7309 CE9 Zona9 U.Esperanza - Antartica
Chile730 CHILE - Nacional
Chad 622 Chad
Central African Republic 623 Central African Republic
Cayman Islands346 Cayman Islands
Cape Verde 625 Cape Verde
Canada302 Canada Wide Yukon & NWT
Canada3020 Newfoundland & Labrador & P.E.I.
Canada3021 Nova Scotia
Canada3022 Quebec
Canada3023 Ontario
Canada3024 Manitoba
Canada3025 Saskatchewan
Canada3026 Alberta
Canada3027 British Columbia
Canada3028 Nunavut Yukon & NWT
Canada3029 New Brunswick
Cameroon 624 Cameroon
Cambodia 456 Cambodia
Burundi 642 Burundi
Burkina Faso 613 Burkina Faso
Bulgaria2842 TG-Sofia RF LZ0NRG
Bulgaria284 BG National
Bulgaria284016 South East Bulgaria
Bulgaria28415 BG HamNet
Brunei 528 Brunei
British Virgin Islands348 British Virgin Islands

FreeDMR Bridges


FreeDMR Servers Worldwide

FlagServerIDCountry NameDashboardDashboard2WebsiteTelegramSocials