Connect to Us

FreeDMR Cymru is linked to the wider FreeDMR network.

You can connect your OpenSpot or Pi-Star to the FreeDMR Cymru server by selecting the 'FreeDMR_UnitedKingdom-CYMRU' server from the DMR Network drop-down list.

Our server address is

Details on using the FreeDMR Network including the 'Dial-a-TG' feature can be found on the FreeDMR UK website

If you would like to link a repeater to the FreeDMR network, contact us using the form on the Contact Us page or drop us a message on Telegram


FreeDMR Talkgroups

CountryTalk GroupsName
Greece‎2022 Central & West Macedonia
Greece‎2023 Peloponnese
Greece‎2024 Thessaly
Greece‎2025 Dodecanese Islands
Greece‎2026 Epirus
Greece‎2027 Thrace and East Macedonia
Greece‎2028 All Greek islands
Greece‎2029 GR CRETE DV-YSF 02029
Greece20291 GR SV9 CRETE
Greece2020 Greece Chat
Greece20200 GR MULTIMODE-EchoLink SV8GTH-L-YSF 20200
Gibraltar266 Gibraltar
Ghana 620 Ghana
Germany262 DL National
Germany2620 Sachsen-Anhalt/Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Germany2621 Berlin/Brandenburg
Germany2622 Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein
Germany2623 Niedersachsen/Bremen
Germany2624 Nordrhein-Westfalen
Germany2625 Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland
Germany2626 Hessen
Germany2627 Baden-Wuerttemberg
Germany2628 Bayern
Germany2629 Sachsen/Thueringen
Germany26200 TAC1
Germany26257 DE-Kusel
Germany26281 DE-RAMSES
Germany26284 DE-Franken
Germany26285 DE-Jura
Germany26290 DE-Neumarkt
Germany26299 TAC2
Georgia 282 Georgia
Gambia 607 Gambia
Gabon 628 Gabon
France2080 France Urgence
France20800 YSF_France
France20838 F5KGA Radio Club
France208 France DMR+
Finland24401 Finland Chat 1
Finland24402 Finland Chat 2
Finland24403 Finland Chat 3
Finland24404 Finland Chat 4
Finland24405 Finland Chat 5
Finland24499 Finland Test
Finland 244 Finland Call
Fiji 542 Fiji
Faroe Islands288 Faroe Islands
Ethiopia 636 Ethiopia
Eswatini653 Eswatini
Estonia 248 Estonia

FreeDMR Bridges


FreeDMR Servers Worldwide

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